Thirteen years and counting.....join us as we share our journey toward a cure for type 1 diabetes!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Coach Alex's Weekly Update - May 28th

Sorry for being a bit late with this update, the Memorial Day weekend threw me off course. I did get in 55 miles of riding on Saturday which was great, the knee is holding up well. Also had a great ride on Tuesday as Michael commented on - nice 26 miles with some great hills for practice. As a reminder, it is important that you make sure to ride during the week, even if it is only 10-15 miles. You can't survive on only the weekend rides.

Reminder for Vermont Riders: There is a fundraising deadline on Sunday, so make sure you are working on that part of the ride as well. Be sure to utilize the website, it makes donations very easy.

Our next ride will be this Saturday starting at 8:30am. We will meet at the corner of 56th St. and Reed Rd., just across from the entrance to Eagle Creek. We will be riding 40 miles, with 2 stops. Make sure you bring plenty of water, some snacks and/or money to buy snacks. I look forward to seeing you all there.

The following weekend - June 6th & 7th there is a choice of two rides:
  • Saturday - B&O ride in Brownsburg (I think I'll be doing that one)
  • Sunday - June Bug Jamboree in Shelbyville (same folks that do the Morse Lake Metric).

Be sure to take advantage of these rides to get in the 45 miles.

Pedal on!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Southwestway Park Ride

I just wanted to say that last night was a great ride!!

The course is excellant for us flatlanders to train for the upcoming rides (non of which are flat)

One really nice little pull and some decent descents......perhaps I should never juxapose those 2 words again :)

Thanks Keven for leading it!

I was great to see you riding again Alex!

It was nice to meet people I had not met!

Plus, I am going to have to start bringing my road bike if I am going to keep up with Gary :)

Happy riding


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Great Weekend For Riding

You couldn't have asked for better weather for riding this weekend!

I did the Race ride at BGI south on Sunday (67 miles) and I have to say that I was a little whipped at the end of it.

It was a bad day for my diabetes, with both low and high BGs, but the more I do this the less this will happen. (a little help from my insurance and I will have a CGM which will make all my dreams come true :)) Anyway it was a funny thing that I have been wrestling with low BGs shortening my run work outs and it came to me that I have never ever shortened a bike ride due to a low. So Sunday just kind of brought this home. Every cloud does have a silver lining.

Anyway, lets hope it doesn't rain tonight as I am looking forward to seeing at least some of my fellow riders at Southwestway park!



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Training Times

You should have all received an email with the lastest Training Times newsletter from the national office. Make sure you read this, it is very useful and there are also some new incentives that you should take advantage of. If you misplaced your copy I've saved a copy on the blog (go to link - Training Times).

Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekly Update from Coach Alex - May 18th

Introducing Todd & Amy Schmidt
Todd & Amy (she is the one in the photo) are rookie riders. They are riding for their son Will, age 3, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 15 months. Todd is a physician and Amy is a registered nurse who is currently a stay at home mom to Will, his sister Sophie who is 14 months old, and their black lab Maggie who is 3. Through their participation in the ride they hope to increase awareness of JDRF, get in shape and meet some great people. Amy is originally from Atlanta and admits she is afraid of the dark. Todd was born in Michigan and brews his own beer (maybe we will have to visit Todd & Amy after a ride). We are thrilled to have Todd & Amy joining us and look forward to seeing them out on the road.

We had a nice sunny day for the Morse Lake Metric on Sunday and some challenging wind to keep us honest. Dawn & I had a great 35 mile ride (that's right I'm back on the bike) and I'm sure Dan, Gary & Bob enjoyed their 62 miles as well as plenty of cookies.

This week Bob is leading a ride on Wednesday from 79th (Fox Rd) and Oaklandon at 6pm. Hopefully the rain will stay away this time. They will be riding 15-20 miles. If you plan to join Bob drop him an email or call him.

We do not have any organized rides this weekend, but there are CIBA ( rides Saturday, Sunday and Monday so I encourage you to take advantage of them.
  • Saturday 9am Fishback Academy 8301 W. 86th St. 20, 40, or 60 miles
  • Sunday 9am BGI South 997 E. County Line Rd 14, 33, 51 or 64 miles
  • Monday 8am Shamrock Springs Elementary 747 W. 161st St. 17, 35, 55 or 75 miles

Next Tuesday, May 26th Kevin will be leading another ride from Southwestway Park at 6pm. This will also be 15-20 miles and has some great hills to practice on.

In addition to all the training I hope you are also working on fundraising. After all that is why we are all doing this. If you have having any trouble with fundraising or need some good ideas, contact Stacey or Kate Luken Wharpool and they can help you out.

Stay safe!

Coach Alex

Friday, May 15, 2009

Upcoming Rides

Happy Ride Your Bike to Work Day!
I hope some of you were able to ride in this morning. I was not, but I was able to ride Tuesday & Thursday evening and so I'm off the sidelines and back on the bike. Looking forward to riding with all of you. Here are some upcoming rides you might be interested in:

Saturday, May 16th - Mayor's Ride in downtown Indianapolis at 1pm

Sunday, May 17th - Morse Lake Metric just north of Noblesville, we are meeting in the parking lot, ready to ride at 8:30am

Wednesday, May 20th - JDRF Training ride at 79th & Oaklandon at 6pm

Tuesday, May 26th - JDRF Training ride at Southwestway Park at 6pm

That's all for now, hope to see some of you this weekend.

Alex Weymouth

Monday, May 11, 2009

Coach's Weekly Update - May 11th

Introducing Brian Grantz
Brian is a first year JDRF Rider who will be doing the Tucson ride with members of his family. They will be riding in honor of Brian’s niece, Rebecca, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 years ago; “it has been quite an eye-opening experience watching the constant vigilance and coping required to care for a vivacious young girl with diabetes.” Brian is Dean of the Cathedral of Saint James (Episcopal) in South Bend, although he is originally from Kittanning, Pennsylvania. He has been married to Tamisyn for 22 years and they have four children: Nathan (17), Jesse (15), Thaddeus (13) and Rose (9). Brian’s hope for the ride is to get in shape, enjoy being outside and conquer the challenge of doing something he has never done before. In his spare time Brian writes song lyrics and three of his songs have been recorded by a folk/rock/Christian artist named Fran McKendree; “it is a strange and wonderful thing to see your own work on iTunes.” Brian won’t be able to make very many of our Indy rides, but if you are up north at anytime and looking for a ride partner, let him know.

Unfortunately, our Wednesday ride got rained out, but the Saturday ride was a success, although it was a bit windy. Great job to everyone for the 30 mile ride and consider the wind, Indiana's version of hills.

This week we have two rides scheduled.
1) Tuesday at 6pm at Southwestway Park (Kevin Garner will be your ride leader). This ride will be 15-20 miles
2) Sunday those who are interested can join us for the Morse Lake Metric. We will meet in the parking lot (ready to ride) at 8:30am. Be sure to leave enough time to register and pack warm clothes. Also, leave some room for the yummy cookies. I'm planning to do the 35 mile route (scheduled mileage), but I'm sure some of the group will be doing the 62 mile route for those who are interested.

Down the road!
Coach Alex

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Coach's Weekly Update - May 5, 2009

Announcing Team Indiana's Bike Shop Partners

Starting this year we are partnering with two bike shops in the Indianapolis area. We hope this partnership will be beneficial to both groups. The shops are:
  • Indy Cycle Specialist (ICS) 5804 E. Washington St. (Scott Irons)

  • Nebroridge Bicycles 4335 W. 106th St. (Tim Casady)

We will be starting some of our rides from each location during the year and will also schedule some maintenance clinics. I've posted links to each of their websites in the links section of the blog. If you are in need of any bike "stuff" stop by, they are both great shops. Be sure to introduce yourself to Scott or Tim while you are there.

This week we are starting our weekday rides. This week it is Wednesday at 6pm and Bob Karnak is leading the ride from Oaklandon & 79th St. This ride will be 15 to 20 miles. Next week the ride will be Tuesday, May 12th location to be determined. I'd also like to point out that Neboridge has rides on Tuesday & Thursday evenings (Tuesdays sound more suitable for racers, but Thursday they divide into groups and there will be a group that will fit any of our riders). Remember - it is important to ride 2-3 times during the week as well as on the weekends.

This weekend's ride will be Saturday at 9am. I'm still working on a starting location, will send out an email and post it on the blog.

Thanks to Michael for the team photo from the last team ride.

Safe pedaling!

Coach Alex

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sat 2 May 2009

Bob Karnak and Bob Berger will be departing Bob Berger's home for a ride at 8 am. Call Karnak if you are intwerested in joining us.

Indiana Cure Chasers 2010

Indiana Cure Chasers 2010
Death Valley October 2010

For more information about JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes...

Contact the Indianapolis office at 317-469-9604

Go to Indiana Cure Chasers website OR JDRF website.