Thirteen years and counting.....join us as we share our journey toward a cure for type 1 diabetes!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Congratulations Bob & Brian and some other random updates

I haven't posted anything for a while, so thought I'd update you all on what has been going on.

Congratulations to Bob Karnak for being selected the 2009 JDRF Ride Volunteer of the Year. Bob raised $14,000 for JDRF and participated in the Death Valley ride. Bob is also an active member of the Ride Committee and organized the team's 1st annual CIBA ride. Well done Bob!

Congratulations to Brian Grantz from South Bend who completed his first Ride to Cure in Tucson, Arizona. I heard great things about the ride from Brian and I'm looking forward to hearing more.

The Ride Committee has been busy with two key activities.
  1. organizing fund raising events in cooperation with Conseco Fieldhouse
  2. organizing events for early 2010 to kick start the ride season and help recruit riders.

We are also always open to ideas so if you have any send myself or Stacey and email, we would love to hear from you.

As you may have heard, Team Indiana is targetting the Death Valley ride in 2010 (celebrating 10 years of Indiana participation in the Ride to Cure). That ride will be Oct. 14-17th. We will let you know when registration is open. There will be 4 other rides in 2010. Information is not fully confirmed, but here is what I know.

  • Vermont (location TBD) - July
  • LaCrose, WI - August
  • Lake Tahoe - Sept. 10-13th (part of a bigger ride on Sunday)
  • Death Valley, CA - Oct. 14-17th
  • Tucson, AZ - Nov. 18-21st
One final note - if you enjoyed the ride in 2009 then please consider coming back in 2010 for a ride and also consider bringing a friend.

Happy Holidays!


PS - my knee surgery went well and I am now back on the stationary bike

Monday, December 7, 2009


Volunteer Rider of the Year is a pretty big honor. Thanks to all who made it happen. I really appreciate the recognition. Looking forward to next year's ride in Death Valley with a large Team Indiana. Bob

Indiana Cure Chasers 2010

Indiana Cure Chasers 2010
Death Valley October 2010

For more information about JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes...

Contact the Indianapolis office at 317-469-9604

Go to Indiana Cure Chasers website OR JDRF website.