Dan, Dawn, Kevin S. & his wife Sara, joined me on Saturday for the B&O ride. The weather was perfect and we had a great 47 mile ride, with Sara achieving her personal best. The route was great, with yummy brownies at the rest stops, some rolling hills which are always good practice and the wind wasn't too bad. There was stretch of about 4 miles on an almost gravel road, character building is what Dan called it. Despite what Dan thinks I did not have any input into the route selection. I've uploaded some more photos and photos from a previous training ride onto my kodak gallery account, you can view them by clicking here: http://www.kodakgallery.com/ShareLanding.action?c=wytd589.4351h9rt&x=0&y=-lqax61&localeid=en_US, the link can also be found in the Team Indiana Photos page (find this on the link section of the blog).
We will have training ride on Tuesday at Southwestway Park (ready to ride at 6pm).
Coach Alex
I had a great time! Thanks for the photos & the encouragement, Coach. :)