We rode as a team about 17 miles to just sort of shake the kinks out before heading over to Woodland Bowl, where Tony, Danny, Kevin and myself grabbed a quick bite before the start of the kickoff.
I would like to start by saying, as great as the youth ambassadors have always been and as helpful and encouraging as all these great kids have been, I think that 2011 is going to be a year by which all of the following years will be measured. What a great group!! I believe that all of the Cure Chasers (with the notable exception of the Warpools who showed up with their custom vintage bowling ball bags) biked better than they bowled.

We are hoping to have several events like this through out the summer and all of the riders are looking forward to the cards and letters that we know will be coming.
A quick word about my new Youth Ambassador Garrett Smith. He is seven years old and was diagnosed just a little over a year ago.
He is an amazing young man and has decided to take this summer off from baseball so that he can put all of his attention into fighting for a cure. Really!!! Just and example of what this young man has already accomplished, he sold over 2000 of the JDRF paper sneakers,,,,, whoa.... that's right, over 2000!! It is not hard to believe after spending a very short time with

Garrett is already a real champion in the battle for the cure and I am very proud to have the opportunity to fight along side of him. It was a real pleasure to spend a few short hours with Garrett, his four brothers plus Tim and Kris his parents who I am sure are very proud of all their kids a great bunch!!
So I know that I have been long winded as usual, when Kimberly said that she was going to have me come up and say a few words, Danny was quick to remind me, "Just a few words please." :)
So I will cut this off here with the promise that we will be posting more regular with the weather finally starting to improve!
I also would like to encourage all the other Cure Chasers to post about your YA experiences this last Saturday as by all appearances a good time was had by all!!
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