Your opportunities this week:
Blue Tuesday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - indoor training at Performance South
Thursday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - blazing saddles - indoor training at Performance South
Saturday 10:00 - 11:30 AM - endurance indoor training at Performance South
If you have not been to an indoor training session, you are really missing out on a great workout and lots of fun! We are currently planning to video record a Harlem Shake video at one of our upcoming classes so be on the look out for more information on how you can be part of the fun!
Just a quick reminder of our 2013 new rider benefit program sponsored by Cohen and Malad, LLP. This benefit is a $1,000 jump start on fundraising for any new rider added to our team this year. We have lots of folks that have expressed an interest in this program however we still have a few spots open. We will not be able to commit the funding to individuals unless they sign up and register for a destination ride.
2013 Ride Venue Webinars:
JDRF has scheduled webinars next week that will provide information on the JDRF destination rides. This is a great opportunity to hear more detail about your ride venue of choice, specific course information and overall ride day logistics. This opportunity will not only help better prepare you for ride day, but it will also help answer any questions you might have if you are undecided about registering for a 2013 JDRF Ride. Please click HERE for more information and the times/dates for these webinars.
Have a great week!

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