Thirteen years and counting.....join us as we share our journey toward a cure for type 1 diabetes!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Training Log for the week of 5-13 thru 5-20

Post your training miles in the comments for this week and let us know how your riding is going Indiana Cure Chasers!


  1. So far this week did the 14 miles on Friday on the performance beginner advancing intermediate ride in Greenwood
    14 Miles
    Yesterday was Blue Tuesday, we had 11 people and 10 of us went all the way to Observatory Hill!
    Great ride great weather, Great People!
    32 Miles
    So far this week
    46 mile total and plans for leading 2 more Performance Bike rides
    14 miles tonight - beginner advancing intermediate
    28 of rolling on Thursday - a little faster no beginners

    Lunch ride from the northside on Saturday and then driving to South Carolina for my first Century of the year
    102 miles with 11,000 feet of elevation gain!
    Check it out here

  2. I missed riding Blue Tuesday this week but enjoyed seeing my youngest received awards at honors night for middle school! No miles so far this week but hope to get in a short ride tonight and will join the group on Thursday. I will need to ride early on Saturday and finish by 11:00 AM so I can see my daughter's soccer game Saturday afternoon.

    Will be heading out to South Carolina on Sunday to join Michael for the Assault on Mt. Mitchell.


  3. Abbie and I rode 17 miles Wednesday night. The 18 MPH wind was a challenge but still had a good time!

  4. I rode 12 miles last night in the wind with a stalwart group of beginners, advancing intermediate and prospective future Indiana Cure Chasers!

    So far this week 58 miles total

    Planning on 20 -28 tonight on the Gray Goat route, leaving Performance Bike Greenwood at 6pm sharp!

    Riding twice on Saturday 8:30 & 11am from Bub's in Carmel and then Sunday heading to Spartenburg SC to meet Big George Hincapie and get my climb on!!!

  5. Rode 20 miles last night with a couple of advancing intermediates that did their longest rides ever!
    78 miles so far this week!

  6. Thursday - 37 miles
    Saturday - 32 miles

    101 miles total for the week.

  7. Thursday May 16 20 miles on Gray Goat route
    Saturday May 18 35 miles on rollers North side
    Mon May 20 105 miles (first century since August and my injury)

    218 miles for the week

  8. May 13 - 13.02 miles @ 18.48 mph avg
    May 14 - 17.38 miles @ 17.73 mph avg
    May 15 - 10.52 miles @ 16.78 mph avg
    May 19 - 37.66 miles @ 16.99 mph avg


Indiana Cure Chasers 2010

Indiana Cure Chasers 2010
Death Valley October 2010

For more information about JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes...

Contact the Indianapolis office at 317-469-9604

Go to Indiana Cure Chasers website OR JDRF website.