Thirteen years and counting.....join us as we share our journey toward a cure for type 1 diabetes!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Good afternoon Indiana Cure Chasers,  Well it looks like another couple weeks of indoor training.  It is supposed to be spring! C'mon man!

Your opportunities this week:

Blue Tuesday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - indoor training at Performance South
Thursday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - blazing saddles - indoor training at Performance South
Saturday 10:00 - 11:30 AM - endurance indoor training at Performance South

If you have not been to an indoor training session, you are really missing out on a great workout and lots of fun!  We are currently planning to video record a Harlem Shake video at one of our upcoming classes so be on the look out for more information on how you can be part of the fun!

Just a quick reminder of our 2013 new rider benefit program sponsored by Cohen and Malad, LLP.  This benefit is a $1,000 jump start on fundraising for any new rider added to our team this year. We have lots of folks that have expressed an interest in this program however we still have a few spots open.  We will not be able to commit the funding to individuals unless they sign up and register for a destination ride. 

2013 Ride Venue Webinars:
JDRF has scheduled webinars next week that will provide information on the JDRF destination rides.  This is a great opportunity to hear more detail about your ride venue of choice, specific course information and overall ride day logistics. This opportunity will not only help better prepare you for ride day, but it will also help answer any questions you might have if you are undecided about registering for a 2013 JDRF Ride. Please click HERE for more information and the times/dates for these webinars.

Have a great week!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Good afternoon Indiana Cure Chasers, The anticipation of spring is building and it will be here before you know it. Hopefully your bike is tuned up and ready for the road. If not, now is a good time to get it ready. Performance south is offering all Indiana Cure Chasers signed up for a JDRF destination ride in 2013 an extra discount including bike repairs and tuneups. So make sure to talk to Mary (the store manager) and identify yourself as JDRF rider at the time of purchase in order to get the discount.

Your opportunities this week:

Blue Tuesday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - indoor training at Performance South
Thursday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - blazing saddles - indoor training at Performance South
Saturday 10:00 - 11:30 AM - endurance indoor training at Performance South

They have some trainers available, but it is nearing the end of the season, so if you have one bring it with you to insure your spot

Just a quick reminder of our 2013 new rider benefit program sponsored by Cohen and Malad, LLP. This benefit is a $1,000 jump start on fundraising for any new rider added to our team this year. We have lots of folks that have expressed an interest in this program however we still have a few spots open. We will not be able to commit the funding to individuals unless they sign up and register for a destination ride.

Did you know:
Did you know that climbing out of the saddle (standing) is considered less efficient? Climbing in the saddle (seated) requires less energy, less oxygen, and the heart rate is generally lower. It is instinct to stand up when you your leg muscles fatigue and you feel like you can not push the pedal over any more. The next time you feel the urge to stand up try one of these tricks instead of standing:

  • If you are taller - shift forward in your seat a bit or if you are shorter - shift back in your seat a bit. Keep your hands, arms, and shoulders relaxed. (do not hold the handlebars in a death grip)
  • control your breathing (slow it down - this helps you stay relaxed too)
  • Pace yourself and slow your cadence (in other words, do not pedal as hard as you can before you need to)
  • Change the position of your hands on the handlebars

As of now, there are no plans for a ride outside this weekend. I will be heading out of town this weekend after indoor training on Saturday at Performance south however Michael will send an e-mail out if he is able to ride. I know he is not available to ride on Saturday so it would be on Sunday if at all however Sunday's weather is not looking promising at this point

Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Death Valley in 3D

Hey DV riders

I was surfing the web looking for some interesting double century rides and stumbled across this 3D map of a double Century that uses part of the ride we will be doing in October  on the Adventure Corps Website (the company that used to produce this event for JDRF)
Also some helpful information about the dryest place on the planet!

If you are a first timer on this ride, check out this information.  Adventure Corp really has their act together for this type of ride and are an excellent resource

Death Valley is a very harsh enviroment, but has a tremendous magesty many of us on the Cure Chasers team going back year after year.

Things to remember for our October ride, this course is not flat, you will need to ride one of our regularly scheduled hill routes on a consistent basis to be well prepared for this ride. (actually it is a good idea to ride hills for any of the JDRF destination rides as all of them have a climbing element that it is important to be prepared for)

Blue Tuesdays are going to be moving to SWW Park starting April 9 so mark your calander and don't miss our first Blue Tuesday real hill ride of 2013!

See you all soon!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Good afternoon Indiana Cure Chasers, I hope you all were able to get out on your bikes this weekend as the weather was favorable for riding! Michael rode both Saturday and Sunday. I joined for a short beginners ride followed by some hill repeats on Sunday. It is never too soon to do some hill training!

Your opportunities this week:

Blue Tuesday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - indoor training at Performance South
Thursday, 6:00 - 7:00 PM - blazing saddles - indoor training at Performance South
Saturday 10:00 - 11:30 AM - endurance indoor training at Performance South
Saturday 1:00 PM - tire change clinic at Performance South
Saturday, 2:30 PM - tire change clinic at Performance South

The weather is looking promising for a ride out on the road on Sunday. It will likely be a last minute plan depending on the weather. Please let us know if you are interested in joining so we can make sure to let you know details as they are finalized.

No new JDRF destination riders added this week so our numbers remain:
9 Death Valley (including Michael and I)
1 LaCrosse
12 Nashville (including Michael and I)
1 Tucson

So far, a total of 922 riders have signed up for a JDRF destination ride. The 2013 goal is 2000 riders so there is a lot of room for us to add to that. Death Valley, LaCrosse, Tucson, and Tahoe still have a lot of capacity at this point. So if you are still on the fence about joining our team or know someone thinking about joining, please let us know.


If you need more information please email

Monday, March 11, 2013

This Weekend was a great start to the spring riding season!

We had some great guests on our Saturday and Sunday rides (both out of SWW park)

Saturday, we went to the top of Centenary Hill and returned for a total of 26 miles and a great accomplishment for some hill newbies.  The Weather was great as was the ride and the company!

Sunday, Coach Sam and I went out twice, first time with some Hill Newbies (different than the day before) They showed a lot of determination and in spite of some mechanical issues were able to make it all the way to 144 and then climbed Fox hill on the way back.

We met Fireman Mike when we were almost back to SWW (he had been confused on the start time or the time change and showed up late) and he joined us for the last few miles back to the parking lot.

Coach Sam suggested that we should go out again so that Mike could get his money's worth and so we went back to Fox Hill, where we all did a 3 peat (both sides) and then enjoyed a 20 mph tail wind for the return trip.

In spite of the dire predictions about the weather on Sunday, it was a fantastic day and there was even enough sunshine to get me in trouble with Melissa for forgetting to apply my sunscreen before the ride :(

I hope to be able to see more of the team out as the weather is definitely improving and with the time change we will be doing our regular Blue Tuesday outdoors starting in just a few weeks!

In the meantime, Performance Bike in Greenwood is letting us use their space on Tuesdays (our hill ride)   Thursdays (timed interval workouts - you'll have to show up to find our what we mean by Blazing Saddles)  and on Saturday we are doing endurance pace riding. (either myself or Coach Sam will be leading these sessions)

Anyone who wants to ride early on Saturday (even if it's real cold) I will be leading a few pre indoor training rides, just to get a few more hours in the saddle, very soon.

This training is no substiture for outdoor riding, but it is fun, the company is great and when you finally get on the road, you will be way ahead.

See you soon!


Indiana Cure Chasers 2010

Indiana Cure Chasers 2010
Death Valley October 2010

For more information about JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes...

Contact the Indianapolis office at 317-469-9604

Go to Indiana Cure Chasers website OR JDRF website.